Greetings Friend
We've been eagerly awaiting your arrival.Fate has delivered you to us at our entreat.
Rest assured your visit has not come unnoticed.
There is no need to tread lightly.
We welcome your kind.
Banal normalcy is far from the norm here.
...welcome to Circus Living.
I have always dreamed of lifting the veil of this world to expose another, one parallel to ours which we have all probably sensed at some point yet been unable to see clearly.
Many people are scared or intrigued by monster stories even if they don't believe they are true. It's easy to be skeptical when you're home in your living room but it's a lot harder when you're out in the woods at night.
I'm constantly motivated and inspired by the human condition. Those with afflictions or abnormalities, for lack of a better word are infinitely more interesting than the rest of us.
An Interview with Mahlimae (Doll Artist), Nicole Watt. The power of simplicity, understanding mankind's darkness and light, and the wild unknown.
What is it about death and its perceived connection with a being’s physical form that influences how one reacts to corpses on display?