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Art,Painting,Modern Art

Call for Artists App

Call for Artists App Painting,Art,Furniture,Leisure Activities

Circus Living is working on a 'Call For Artists' app that will update artists on relevant upcoming call for entries or call for submissions. The app will organize artist opportunities relevant to each artist by art genre, art medium, individual interests/preferences etc. You will find progress updates on this page regarding the development of the app, as well as relevant statistics and data informing the app's direction. For more information regarding Circus Living or this project, read our mission and vision statement. For further inquiries, feel free to contact Catherine.  

We need more beta-testers!
Several artists are currently involved with the app's development through providing their valued input and (soon) acting as beta-testers for the app. If you are an artist who is interested in assisting with this project, Join our Circus.